By Majken Ravnkilde
Associate professor Oscar Garcia Agustin
- Describe yourself with 3 words
Quoting John Wayne: “Ugly, strong and dignified”. I like that phrase but I am not particularly strong.
- What did you want to become as a child?
A Real Sociedad football player. Many kids want to be football players but not so many want to be a Real Sociedad player.
- What is your greatest academic achievement?
Honestly, to have survived the initial (labor) precarity of academic life and become permanently employed. After that, working with many people whom I admire, both at AAU and elsewhere.
- If you won 10 million DKK, what would you do?
Pay more taxes.
- What is the craziest thing that has ever happened to you?
One day six years ago, around this time of year, I went to the hospital with my wife after having taught classes at the university. The doctor told us that the twins we were expecting were ready to be born, a few weeks ahead of time. We spent the whole day in the hospital: the twins were born just before midnight and everything went great! Just after the birth I met a colleague who was about to give birth to her son. I came home quite late to take care of my daughter who was ill. And I didn’t even know that after that day I would only sleep 4-5 hours a day for the next two years!
- Who, dead or alive, would you want to meet?
Alice Cooper, not only a rock star but also a guy who has chatted with people like Groucho Marx or Salvador Dalí. Nancy Fraser or Pernille Skipper (in Denmark) are also good options.
- What is the worst thing about your job?
We have many teaching and supervision hours and it is difficult to find time to do research (there are no sabbaticals) and to promote the things that we are working on.
- What is your favorite food?
Any dish from the university canteen.
- What animal would you be?
The mole, which Marx compares with the revolution: working under the surface but eventually emerging into daylight.
- Which project are you working on right now?
Left-wing populism, on the one hand, and solidarity and refugees, on the other.